Our 9U Young Choz didn’t take long to get back on their winning streak.  After placing second in the Dru Joyce Classic last week, our young Choz were on a mission to get back to winning Chips.

In pool play these Young Choz faced the Bulls Basketball Club 67-17 to start a new winning streak.  Next Team Durant 44-13 felt the determination of this team’s resolve. Finally, local rival New York  Rens 44-33 provided little resistance to our Young Choz assault.

A 3-0 record in pool play earned our Young Choz a first round bye in bracket play.  Team Thrill Red 55-36 fell victim to their all out attack on a championship birth.  In the championship game Team Thrill Black fought hard and constant but could deny our Young Choz from taking their place in the winners circle.

Coach Tommy and Coach Dwayne have our Young Choz ready to make a run at the AAU National title.